Shah Rukh Khan’s Jawan video was recently leaked online and it shook King Khan’s fans and made them restless to watch the film. As the entry video of the superstar actor has been leaked online from Jawan, fans are going crazy calling it a huge hit and claiming that it will break all the records of his last release, Pathaan. Jawan is Shah Rukh Khan’s next release after Pathaan and this Atlee directorial is going to be another winner, say fans, all thanks to the leaked video.
The video was later deleted online as Shah Rukh Khan and the makers want the curiosity level to remain intact so that people can enjoy this cinematic masterpiece in theatres. Ever since SRK’s Jawan video was leaked, fans have been bringing attention to the film on Twitter.
#Pataan is the only Bollywood film to cross 700,000 interests on BOOK MY SHOW.
.#Yavan could be the first bollywood movie ever to reach 1 million likes on BOOK MY SHOW?#ShahRukhKhan? is here to break records #SRK? @iamsrk ❤️– Mohd Ahtisham Ahsan (@MohdAhtishamAh1) March 11, 2023
#Yavan already breaking every single record 45K+ people are already interested just for announcing a title a year ago Can easily touch 1M+ interested from BookMyShow ?????????#ShahRukhKhan #Yavan
— Srk Fan Trends (@SrkFansTrends_) March 11, 2023
#Yavan leaked scenes are just fire?
That’s exactly what SHAH RUKH KHAN will do with BOX OFFICE RECORDS this year. The belt treatment..#ShahRukhKhan
– What. (@iOnlyAJ) March 10, 2023
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