Actor Jacqueline Fernandez has issued a statement after a picture of her with alleged conman Sukesh Chandrasekhar was shared widely on social media. Taking to Instagram on Saturday evening, Jacqueline asked her fans and ‘media friends’ to not circulate the images, which she said ‘intrude (her) privacy and personal space’. She said that even though she is experiencing a ‘rough patch’, she hopes to bounce back soon.
“This country and its people have always given me tremendous love and respect. This includes my friends from the media, from whom I have learned a lot. I am currently going through a rough patch but I am sure that my friends and fans will see me through it. It is with this trust that I would request my media friends to not circulate images of a nature that intrude my privacy and personal space. You would not do this to your own loved ones, am sure you would not do this to me either. Hoping that justice and good sense prevails. Thank you,” the statement read.
Jacqueline Fernandez was linked to Chandrashekhar’s Rs 200 crore money laundering case. As per reports, the actor, who has already been questioned by the Enforcement Directorate in connection with the case, said she was also conned by Sukesh, who claimed to be the owner of Sun TV and approached her with a film offer.
An ANI report stated that Chandrasekhar admitted to being in a relationship with Jacqueline, but said that it has no connection with the case against him.
Jacqueline is looking forward to the release of Attack, in which she stars alongside John Abraham and Rakul Preet Singh. Written and directed by Lakshya Raj Anand, Attack has been bankrolled by JA Entertainment, Ajay Kapoor and Jayantilal Gada. The film is slated for January 28 release.
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