Shah Rukh Khan took to social media today to release the teaser of his next film Javan. The film is directed by Atlee. SRK is seen covered in bandages. While many fans loved his look, there were some who found it to be similar to Liam Neeson’s 1990 superhero film Darkman. In the film, after an explosion, Liam is believed to be dead but he’s not and comes back to seek revenge. You can watch the trailer of the film below.
Have a look at some of the reactions below:
Darkman ki copy?? pic.twitter.com/0RvXUwb9bs
— unibkhan (@unibkhan20) June 3, 2022
Another Bullywood copy is here #Jawan is copied from Darkman. pic.twitter.com/tfMtgnDdTH
— ? Ctrl C + Ctrl Memes 45 (@Ctrlmemes_) June 3, 2022
Darkman 1990 PRKman 2022 pic.twitter.com/QXbR9dPLDe
— ♻️Shahid? (@JoinTheShahid) June 3, 2022
Now, we don’t know if Jawan is an official remake of Darkman and it’s too soon to say if both the films have any similarity. We will have to wait for more details to emerge.
Meanwhile, Salman Khan also gave a shoutout to the teaser and SRK. He wrote, “Mere jawaan bhai ready hai @iamsrk.”
SRK had written, “An action-packed 2023!! Bringing #Jawan to you, an explosive entertainer in cinemas 2nd June 2023. In Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam and Kannada. @gaurikhan @Atlee_dir @RedChilliesEnt.” On the other hand, Atlee wrote on social media, “Feeling emotional, excited & blessed .Grew up admiring you but never imagined that I would be directing you sir. @iamsrk & I proudly present to you #Jawan https://bit.ly/JawanAnnouncement Releasing on 2nd June 2023, in Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam & Kannada @gaurikhan @RedChilliesEnt.”
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