Deepika Padukone who is all set to be a part of pan India film Project K along with Prabhas is giving a tough time to her actor on the sets of the film reportedly. But hold on, this is not the truth. There have been lots of reports surfacing online that Prabhas is irked with Deepika Padukone’s tantrums on the sets of Project K and he is facing a lot of difficulties while shooting the film. However, this is untrue. A very reliable source close to Bollywood life reveals, “Prabhas and Deepika are though professional. They are both superstars in their respective industries and value time and money and hard work hat for into filmmaking. And the rumors of Deepika throwing tantrums on the tests is baseless and one shouldn’t encourage this gossip “.
Here’s the truth if Deepika is giving a tough time to Prabhas on the sets of Project K
The source further adds, “Prabhas and Deepika have been bonding on Project K sets like never before. They both have a South Indian touch and are extremely foodies. Their bonding on stage sets keeps the workers highly motivating the work environment is so damn cool that each one of them will cry when they will wrap up the shoot. film making is a long process and right from makeup, technicians, artists work immensely hard to make one film and such native rumors around are only disheartening “.
While it was Bollywood life that exclusively reported how Prabhas’ special gesture for Deepika Padukone will win you over. Deepika Padukone was reportedly admitted to the hospital after she complained of her heart racing higher. Later she was fine and resumed the sets, however Prabhas who is a darling went to Deepika to only make sure if he is fine and is ready to shoot and left the decision to her. Prabhas and Deepika will create fireworks at the box office and one cannot wait for this super HOT jodi to romance onscreen.
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