We hope those of you who appeared for the UPSC CSE Mains 2022 exam did your best. You have just one more hurdle to clear before your name appears on the final list. The most enjoyable part of the exam is now when you can finally test your personality, which has improved and matured as a result of the difficult testing process. And if you confidently face this final test while remembering certain basics, you’ll graduate from an “ordinary” person to a civil servant – that position that allows you to serve in the most remote corner of the country and reach the last person in society.
Those who are going to face the UPSC Civil Services Personality Test must read and understand the instruction/directive given by the UPSC itself in its annual exam notification regarding the interview stage:
- The candidate will be interviewed by a panel who will have his/her career record before them. He/she will be asked questions on matters of general interest. The purpose of the interview is to assess the applicant’s personal suitability for a career in public service by a Committee of competent and impartial observers. The test has a purpose assess the candidate’s mental caliber. Broadly speaking, it is really an assessment not only of his/her intellectual qualities, but also of social traits and his/hers interest in current events. Some of the qualities that should be evaluated are mental alertness, critical powers of assimilation, clear and logical exposition, balance of judgment, variety and depth of interest, capacity for social cohesion and leadership, intellectual and moral integrity.
- The interview technique is not that of strict cross-examination, but of natural, albeit directed, and purposeful conversation which aims to reveal the mental qualities of the candidate.
- The interview test is not intended to be a test of candidates’ specialist or general knowledge, which has already been tested through their written papers. Applicants are expected to have shown an intelligent interest not only in their own special subjects of academic study but also in the events that happen around them both within and outside their own state or country, and in contemporary currents of thought and in new discoveries which they need to wake up curiosity of well-educated youth.
The words in the above sentences that are underlined require careful attention. Then consider whether you yourself exhibit these traits. In case you do not yet possess these qualities, you should ask yourself if you have the time and patience to develop them quickly.
If you already possess these qualities (or the expectations of the interview committee), you should not be afraid of this experience. At the same time, you should not be too confident about it.
In any case, it is not advisable to present yourself on the board without evaluating yourself.
While it is true that one should present himself as honestly as possible, it is always not in his interest to face such a critical moment without proper preparation to present himself as a person who meets the standards expected by the interview committee .
We at InsightsIAS prepare you for the interview round based on your strengths and weaknesses. The Interview Guidance Program is led by Vinay Sir, Founder and Director, InsightsIAS. He excels in giving correct and honest guidance to candidates who trust him. His ability to mentor students without complicating the process is what sets him apart from the countless opportunities available to an applicant today.
Starting with his attempt to score 210 in his own UPSC interview and then guiding many to score 200+ (starting with Nitish K in CSE-2014 who scored 206), he successfully guides students to dramatically increase their interview scores from 130 to 190+.
Highlights of the interview guidance program are:
- individual interviews at Bangalore and Delhi centers by Vinay Sir
- individual interviews/sessions via Skype [ for online students ]
- Sessions with general guidance both online (LIVE) and offline
- Partner discussions on important topics
Watch the Orientation Session of the 2022 Interview Guidance Program here:
Individual Mock Interviews with Vinay sir Starts from 31st October 2022.
Students who have written CSE MAINS 2022 and are satisfied with their performance are advised to start their interview preparation immediately.
Steps to Book Mock Interview Slots: (All steps are mandatory to book the slots)
1. Register here for an interview guidance program here
2. Register at the course portal – instacourses.insightsonindia.com
(This step is required to activate the Interview Guidance Program 2022 course in our course portal. Ignore if you have already registered.)
3. We will activate the Interview Guidance Program after Step 1 and 2 are completed.
4. You will also receive a group telegram link for the interview referral program by mail once the course is activated. Students should join the Telegram group.
5. Information about availability of Vinay sir in Bengaluru or Delhi centers and steps to book slots will be informed in Telegram group.
6. Students can book online or offline slots accordingly.
For any questions, contact
mail: support@insightsias.com/admissions@insightsias.com
Contact: 08069405205 (toll free)
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