Talking about the film, Director Sankalp said, “A legendary chronicle of India’s biggest war was a story to explore, with the finest actors Vidyut Jammwal, Anupam Kher and many others this inspiring story was brought to life. Each actor passionately symbolizes the story, evoking the shared passion for this historical chapter. With the film streaming on Disney+ Hotstar, IB 71 allows a wider audience to experience the epic tale of that war.”
Furthermore speaking about the release, Vidyut Jammwal added, “Being an army kid I have seen the lives of our unsung heroes up-close and it was my personal urge to bring their stories to the world. Producing a film that puts the intelligence bureau at the centre of the narrative is my way of paying tribute to their sacrifices and contributions.”
Anupam Kher went on to continue, “IB 71 reveals an unexplored chapter from our history, a crucial turning point for India. Inspired by true events, Sankalp’s vision transported us to that era, immersing us in the tension and thrill. Proud to be part of this story, eagerly anticipating its streaming on Disney + Hotstar.”
Produced by T-Series, Reliance Entertainment, and Action Hero Films and directed by Sankalp, IB 71 releasing exclusively on July 7, 2023 on Disney+ Hotstar.
Also Read: IB 71 Box Office: The film sees best hold for a Vidyut Jammwal starrer in his decade long career as a leading man since Commando
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