It was not until much later in my career that I learnt that trends were not created to be copied or followed, but admired and appreciated. Trends are a direct reaction to popularity, and just like the popular girls in high school, one can be deemed
uncool and outed in a matter of minutes.
Aside from their short lifespan, trends are also one of the leading factors behind fast fashion’s success. With rapid demand follows rapid production, so I say the earlier you can quit trends the better.
I started 2022 with a mission: only invest in garments and accessories which I one hundred per cent like – popular or not. Opting out of the industry’s fast-fashion trend cycle did initially feel strange, but saying farewell to seasonal sales
and fast-fashion retailers has – and continues to – benefit both my purse and our planet.
To satisfy my shopping sweet tooth and avoid falling back into the evolving ecosystem of trends, I separated my wardrobe into five core categories: Statement Staples, Vintage Bargains, Unique Accessories, Basic Mainstays and Dopamine Delights.
With each category focusing on a specific long-term essential, I now have no reason to invest in a seasonally trendy garment. Why waste money on fleeting items when I can invest in personal pieces with longevity?
Here are the 5 fashion categories shaping my wardrobe today.
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