Rapper Honey Singh was spotted at an event in Delhi with his new girlfriend. The couple appeared together for an event. Looking very trim, Honey Singh held her hand tightly as they exited an event. The lady, whose name has not been released, was wearing a black dress with a slit. Netizens commented that Honey Singh looks in good shape. In September 2022, his divorce from his ex-wife Shalini Talwar was finalized. She demanded maintenance of 20 crore rupees but he gave her one crore rupees during the divorce. According to sources, she is happy with his decision.
Check out this video of Honey Singh and his new girlfriend
The singer’s broken marriage grabbed a lot of news. Shalini Talwar claims that he and his family were abusers. She had said that they killed her mentally and emotionally. The divorce petition was filed in Tis Hazari court. Seeing Honey Singh’s new girlfriend’s video, a netizen noticed the Balenciaga handbag with her. The bag costs over 3,050 USD, so it’s no wonder it’s getting noticed.
One netizen commented, “Biwi Sahi bol rhi thi mtlb.. Bhai divorce ka to wait kr lete..” while another said, “Bhai sab duniya itni tez ku hai.” Honey Singh is reportedly dating the model Tina Tadani. She is a model. Tina featured in his song Paris Ka Trip. It became an instant trip. Honey Singh sure looks very relaxed now.
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