In the past two days, internet has been filled with pictures from the meeting of Mani Ratnam and Bharathiraja. Reportedly, the veteran director invited Bharathiraja for the audio launch of his upcoming film ‘Ponniyin Selvan 2’. Directed by Mani Ratnam, the sequel or part 2 of the film ‘Ponniyin Selvan’ is all set to release in theatres on April 28. The first part of the film was released on September 30, 2022 and the movie became a blockbuster hit. It even made Rs 500 crore at the box office.
As the first single from the movie ‘Aga Naga’ is all set for its launch tomorrow, March 20, it is soon expected that the ‘Ponniyin Selvan 2’ audio and trailer launch will happen in the coming days. It is stated that many film fraternities have been invited as dignitaries to attend the trailer launch of the movie. ‘Ponniyin Selvan 1’ trailer was launched by Kamal Haasan and Rajinikanth and it is expected that the sequel of the film will also have a grand event.
As the first single from the movie ‘Aga Naga’ is all set for its launch tomorrow, March 20, it is soon expected that the ‘Ponniyin Selvan 2’ audio and trailer launch will happen in the coming days. It is stated that many film fraternities have been invited as dignitaries to attend the trailer launch of the movie. ‘Ponniyin Selvan 1’ trailer was launched by Kamal Haasan and Rajinikanth and it is expected that the sequel of the film will also have a grand event.
‘Ponniyin Selvan’ is adapted from the historic novel and the movie features Vikram, Jayam Ravi, Karthi, Trisha, Aishwarya Rai, Sarathkumar, Parthiban, Prakash Raj, Jayaram, Aishwarya Lekshmi, Sobhita Dhulipala, Prabhu, Vikram Prabhu and Nasser among others.