In a triumphant display of its cinematic appeal, Gadar 2 has maintained its remarkable Box Office performance over its first five days of release, garnering significant attention from audiences across India. The film, which marks a much-anticipated sequel, has showcased consistent momentum since its opening day. The Sunny Deol starrer, as per Sacnilk, has become the biggest Independence Day movie In the history of Indian cinema.
In a triumphant display of its cinematic appeal, Gadar 2 has maintained its remarkable Box Office performance over its first five days of release, garnering significant attention from audiences across India. The film, which marks a much-anticipated sequel, has showcased consistent momentum since its opening day. The Sunny Deol starrer, as per Sacnilk, has become the biggest Independence Day movie In the history of Indian cinema.
Gadar 2 Day 1 Box Office collection
The film burst onto the scene on its opening day, amassing a staggering ₹40.1 crore in India. This impressive debut set a solid foundation for what was to follow.
Gadar 2 Day 1 Box Office collection
The film burst onto the scene on its opening day, amassing a staggering ₹40.1 crore in India. This impressive debut set a solid foundation for what was to follow.
Gadar 2 Day 2 Box Office collection
The second day witnessed a commendable 7.43% growth, as Gadar 2 raked in ₹43.08 crore on its first Saturday, further solidifying its box office prowess.
Gadar 2 Day 2 Box Office collection
The second day witnessed a commendable 7.43% growth, as Gadar 2 raked in ₹43.08 crore on its first Saturday, further solidifying its box office prowess.
Gadar 2 Day 3 Box Office collection
The cinematic spectacle continued to enthral audiences, as the film’s earnings soared to ₹51.7 crore on its first Sunday, reflecting an impressive 20.01% surge in collections.
Gadar 2 Day 3 Box Office collection
The cinematic spectacle continued to enthral audiences, as the film’s earnings soared to ₹51.7 crore on its first Sunday, reflecting an impressive 20.01% surge in collections.
Gadar 2 Day 4 Box Office collection
Following its triumphant weekend, the movie witnessed a marginal drop in collections on its first Monday, amassing ₹38.70 crore. Although experiencing a decrease of 25.15%, the film’s overall performance remained robust.
Gadar 2 Day 4 Box Office collection
Following its triumphant weekend, the movie witnessed a marginal drop in collections on its first Monday, amassing ₹38.70 crore. Although experiencing a decrease of 25.15%, the film’s overall performance remained robust.
Gadar 2 Day 5 Box Office collection
On its fifth day, Gadar 2 continues to capture the imagination of cinema-goers, potentially earning around ₹55.00 crore, as per estimates. The film’s steady and promising trajectory has left fans eagerly awaiting its further accomplishments.
Gadar 2 Day 5 Box Office collection
On its fifth day, Gadar 2 continues to capture the imagination of cinema-goers, potentially earning around ₹55.00 crore, as per estimates. The film’s steady and promising trajectory has left fans eagerly awaiting its further accomplishments.
Gadar 2 total Box Office collection
The cumulative collection for Gadar 2 over its first five days stands at an impressive ₹228.58 crore, including estimates for the Independence Day, affirming its status as a box office powerhouse.
Gadar 2 total Box Office collection
The cumulative collection for Gadar 2 over its first five days stands at an impressive ₹228.58 crore, including estimates for the Independence Day, affirming its status as a box office powerhouse.
Disclaimer: All data have been taken from Sacnilk. It is important to note that the Box Office figures mentioned above are subject to final verification and may undergo adjustments.
Disclaimer: All data have been taken from Sacnilk. It is important to note that the Box Office figures mentioned above are subject to final verification and may undergo adjustments.