
Like many other things, Indian attire has also been influenced by Westernization. A size – able portion of Indians now favours Western apparel over tradition – al outfits like sarees and dhotis, including jeans, trousers, skirts, T-shirts, suits, and shirts. However, a substantial segment of the populace likes to wear only traditional Indian attire. Intriguingly, during the past ten years, a stunning fusion of Indian and West – ern attire has gained popular – ity and is now referred to as “Indo-Western” or “Indo-West – ern fusion” clothing. Indo-Western fu – sion clothing is pre – sent as “the in thing” in India and is gener – ally liked by male, fe – male, and child buyers. These clothes are becoming more common in In – dian culture and are now pre – ferred for both formal and cas – ual occasions as well as for business attire. There are sev – eral designers that specialise in creating Indo-Western fusion clothing. As a result, the mar – ket is filled with various items of this clothing.

Indo-Western fusion clothing typically combines Indian mo – tifs with Western-style pat – terns. Usually, ornate stoles are worn as an accessory to en – hance the look of salwar ka – meez in Indo-Western fashion. Another kind of fusion that is prevalent nowadays is the em – ployment of regionally specific Indian ethnic embroidered de – signs, like Punjab’s phulkari and Rajasthan’s mirror work, on clothing with Westernized patterns. There are other in – stances when more ornate em – broidery techniques like Meenakari, Kundan, Resham, and Zardozi work are employed. In India right now, denim jackets and pants with embroi – dery and other decorations done in Indian style are all the rage. Both men and women like wearing the shorter form of the kurta, known as the “Kurti,” which is typically worn with a pair of denim slacks or trousers. Bridal clothing has progres – sively caught on to the IndoWestern fusion fashion trend. Grecian-style draping of sarees is getting more popular, and the design of saree blouses is be – coming more and more West – ernized. Another example of Indo-Western fusion clothing that is becoming acceptable for a wedding dress is lehengas worn with halter tops. Accessories also contain this blending of aspects from Indi – an and Western civilizations, particularly jewellery. Indian traditional jewellery typically receives a slight Westerniza – tion so that it may be used with fusion clothing. In addition, big, hanging earrings, beads, and elaborate bracelets are popular with fusion clothing.


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