The news that Rajinikanth posted a photo of the national flag on his twitter page following prime minister Modi’s request is currently going viral on social media. Rajinikanth is the most popular social actor in the world. He has acted in countless films from the 80s till now. His recently released film Annaatthe has garnered mixed reviews from the public but has collected crores at the box office. He continues to accumulate this film and will act in a film called Jailer. Nelson- Superstar Rajinikanth- Anirudh team up this film. Anirudh is produced by sun Pictures. They had officially announced a video for this.
Also, kannada actor Sivarajkumar is playing the lead role in this film. Along with them, priyanka Mohan, yogi Babu, Redin Kingsley, Kili Aravind, director KS Kingsley, and many others are acting in this film. Also, the film will be releasing on pongal 2023. Currently, Nelson is busy working on Jailer. Recently, actor Rajinikanth suddenly went to delhi in such a situation. It came in connection with Rajini’s visit to delhi in connection with the 75th Independence Day celebrations. Later, actor Rajinikanth was also present at a meeting led by narendra modi in delhi regarding the 75th Independence Day celebrations.
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