Farhan Akhtar and Shibani Dandekar are known for their sartorial sense of fashion. The couple is always spotted decked up in attires that puit their comfort quotient forward, and is merged with style and sass. Be it their airport looks or their travel diaries, Shibani and Farhan are known for their fashion diaries. The couple are currently taking over Australia in style. The couple recently flew to the country for a vacation and since then, their Instagram profiles are replete with pictures and videos of their ventures in their vacation. From goofing with Shibani’s sister Anusha to giving us glimpses of their view out of the window. The couple are setting the bar higher for us.
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Farhan, on Sunday, gave us major couple fashion goals with a picture of the duo dressed in casuals and exploring Australia. Followed by a picture of their view in Australia, Farhan shared a loved-up picture of himself with Shibani, whom he lovingly referred to as “Mu checked mate,” with a red heart emoticon. In the picture, Farhan and Shibani can be seen dressed in casual ensembles from head to toe. Farhan opted for a black hoodie with a khaki pattern below the waist, and teamed it with a pair of casual black trousers. Shibani, on the other hand, looked super stylish in a checkered maroon oversized jumpsuit. The jumpsuit featured collars and wide legs and pockets at the side. Shibani can be seen hugging Farhan in the picture, as the couple smiled with all their hearts.
Farhan Akhtar met Shibani Dandekar in 2018 and the duo started dating. The actor was previously married to Adhuna Bhabani, with whom he has two daughters. Farhan and Adhuna announced their separation in 2016. Farhan and Shibani got married in an intimate ceremony in February 2022, in Farhan’s Khandala farmhouse.
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