Bollywood actor Fardeen Khan, who made his Bollywood debut with the film Prem Aggan, is all set to make his comeback with the film Visfot, co-starring Riteish Deshmukh, Priya Bapat and Krystle D’Souza. In a recent interview, late actor Feroz Khan’s son opened up on the struggles he faced both in his personal and professional life. He told Bollywood Hungama that he thinks he didn’t deserve the Filmfare Award for the best debut for Prem Aggan as he feels he was horrible in the film. The actor also opened up on the time when he and his wife lost their twins in the sixth month of her pregnancy.
Talking to the publication, he said, “I don’t think I deserve that award. It was a culture and stuff back then, that people got awards like that. I look at my work, I definitely didn’t deserve that. The film didn’t work, I didn’t work, I looked back and I thought I was horrible.”
He further revealed that he had to return the money he was given for the films and sat at home for a whole year, without any work. “I had no work, the films I had signed before that, people took their money back. I had spent some of the money that I had been given, so I had to return that money,” he said.
“So he was very very strict, my dad. Because he was a completely self-made man and he just didn’t believe in protecting you, especially in terms of economic reality. That whole year went by, I went into a bit of a shell for some time. the reviews were awful, nobody wanted to work with me. Then I kind of picked myself up, started working out, coming out with a plan to meet people and go out there. I continued working on my Hindi which was very very bad for my first film,” he expressed.
Not just his professional struggles, he also opened up on his personal life. After his father’s death in 2009, his wife Natasha and he lost their twins in the sixth month of pregnancy. He continued telling the publication, “We had challenges in having children, so we had to go the IVF route. We had a bad experience with doctors here in Mumbai. Natasha really suffered because IVF is not easy. It’s very hard on your body and on your health.”
“With Natasha, in one of her initial pregnancies, we had twins. She lost them at six months. That was very hard for us. It was a tough time. She did a live birth and we lost the babies,” he added.
Finally, after these struggles, when the couple welcomed their daughter in 2013, they were overjoyed.
“She gave us a lot of joy. When you go through an experience like that, when you see your child, you cherish life a lot more and you see it very deeply. You appreciate it so much more. When my daughter was born, she melted me. So, it was just being daddy.”
In 2017, the couple welcomed their second child, a son.
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