Drishyam 2 hit the right target. The film, which released on November 18, became a box office hit. Directed by Abhishek Pathak, Drishyam 2 stars Ajay Devgn, Shriya Saran, Tabu and Akshaye Khanna in the main roles. It is a sequel to Drishyam which was a box office success. As the film is doing well at the box office, the stars are also in the news. In a recent interview, Shriya Saran spoke about the negativity on social media and kissing her husband in public. At the special screening of Drishyam 2, Shriya Sara and her husband Andrey Koshcheev allowed themselves to pucker their lips in front of the cameras and it warranted trolling.
Shriya Saran opens up about being trolled for kissing husband in public
In an interview with News18, Shriya Saran said that she found it funny that she was trolled for kissing her husband. The diva stated that Andrey finds it normal to kiss in public to celebrate her special moments and finds the thought beautiful. She was quoted as saying: “This is kind of funny! Andrey thinks it’s normal to kiss me during my special moment and I think it’s beautiful. He doesn’t understand why we would be trolled for something so natural. But it’s good, that’s good (laughs)!” She also mentioned that she doesn’t pay attention to trolls and rather does what she wants. In 2018, Shriya and Andrey got married and have a baby girl.
Talking about Drishyam 2, the movie managed to earn good money in the first five days. It has crossed the Rs 86 crore mark and Ajay Devgn’s Drishyam 2 is expected to enter the Rs 100 crore club very soon. After some hiatus, a Bollywood film managed to register a good box office result.
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