Yaariyan featured some young actors like Himanshu Kohli and Rakul Preet Singh and is all set to get a sequel. While the first instalment too was directed by Divya Khosla Kumar, the sequel will be directed by Radhika Rao and Vinay Sapru. However, the film will feature a completely new star cast and will also feature Divya in a pivotal role. Starring Naagin actor Pearl V Puri, Meezaan Jafri, and actor Yash Dasgupta, the film will also feature Anaswara Rajan, Warina Hussain, and Priya Varrier in the lead.
Divya Khosla Kumar, Pearl V Puri, and Meezaan Jafri roped for Yaariyan 2; film to release in Summer 2023
A motion poster of the film was released earlier today by the makers T-Series on their official Instagram handle, along with the tagline ‘Cousins by blood, friends by choice! A family glued by the bond of true friendship brings back to you, #Yaariyan2’. It seems that the storyline of the sequel is quite different from its first instalment which revolved around a gang of college students. Yaariyan was a coming-of-age film featuring a group of college students, who learn about love, values, ambition, and all about life, as they set out on a journey to compete with the world.
As for the poster, it also gives a glimpse of one of the tracks from the film titled ‘Teri Talash Mein’ and features different modes of transport, from a bus to a car to a train. However, the makers are keeping further details under wraps.
Pearl V Puri will be making his Bollywood debut with this film along with Malayalam actress Anaswara Rajan, Yash Dasgupta, and Priya Varrier. While Meezaan Jafri made his Bollywood debut with Malaal in 2019, Yash is a popular Bengali actor who will be entering B-town with this film.
Directed by Radhika Rao and Vinay Sapru, Yaariyan 2 is expected to release on May 12, 2023.
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More Pages: Yaariyan 2 Box Office Collection
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