Actor and model Urvashi Rautela, Meera Rautela’s mother has denied reports that her daughter has moved into a new house worth ₹190 crore in Mumbai’s Juhu area. The alleged new residence is believed to be a four-storey bungalow with a gorgeous garden, a personal gym and a huge backyard. However, the nature of Urvashi’s purchase is still unknown. According to reports, Urvashi moved into her new house without making a fuss about her investment around three months ago. Even the name of her new bungalow is a secret. She reportedly searched for her dream house for seven to eight months before deciding on the Juhu property, reports suggest. Before that, she showed interest in a bungalow named Celest located in Lokhandwala Complex.
Reports claim that Urvashi Rautela’s new home comes with a personal gym and a huge backyard. The said bungalow shares a wall with Chopra’s popular bungalow, which was earlier owned by Yash Chopra’s wife Pamela Chopra, who passed away earlier this year. However, there is no confirmation whether she has rented or purchased the property.
Juhu is known as an area frequented by Bollywood stars. The neighborhood is home to Amitabh Bachchan’s Jalsa, Kajol and Ajay Devgan’s Shivshakti, John Abraham’s Villa in the Sky and Hrithik Roshan’s Manat Apartments. Akshay Kumar and Twinkle Khanna also have their sea view bungalow in the same neighborhood.
Urvashi Rautela became popular after winning Miss Diva Universe 2015. She made her acting debut with Singh Saab the Great in 2013 and has since appeared in various Bollywood films such as Sanam Re (2016), Great Grand Masti (2016), Hate Story 4 (2018) and Pagalpanti (2019). She also ventured into Kannada films with Mr. Airavatha in 2014 and her first Tamil film, The Legend, released in 2022.
Urvashi was recently spotted on the red carpet at the 76th Cannes Film Festival where she made a stunning appearance. She also attended the IIFA Awards in Abu Dhabi. Her latest work includes a special appearance in the Telugu film, Agent’s dance number Wild Saala.
In conclusion, while reports suggest that Urvashi Rautela has moved into a new house worth ₹190 crore in Juhu, her mother has denied the claims. The actor has been making headlines for his work and appearances at prestigious events like Cannes Film Festival and IIFA Awards.
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