The International Indian Film Academy Awards 2022 (IIFA) is all set to amaze its fans with the celeb’s performances. The celebs have already landed in Abu Dhabi where the prestigious awards ceremony will be held. Salman Khan, Farah Khan, Riteish Deshmukh, Shahid Kapoor, Ananya Panday, and Tiger Shroff will set the stage on fire with their dance moves. A video from IIFA 2022 is going viral all-over the social media, where Salman Khan gave a royal snub to the popular singer-rapper Yo Yo Honey Singh. Yes, the video showcases that the organizers didn’t let Salman and Honey Singh make an appearance together. Salman walked through first while Honey Singh was asked to wait.
Watch the video here –
A user wrote, ‘Yo yo ko salman k sath aane e ne dia’, while another commented saying ‘Bad gesture by salman and organizers’. The third user said, ‘kya dikhana chahte h Salman boi attitude’.
The IIFA Rocks concert will be hosted by Farah Khan Kunder and Aparshakti Khurana, while the grand finale will be hosted by Bollywood superstar Salman Khan, Riteish Deshmukh, and Maniesh Paul. The IIFA 2022 will take place on June 3-4. Shahid Kapoor, Tiger Shroff, Kartik Aaryan, Sara Ali Khan, Ananya Panday, Divya Khosla Kumar, and Nora Fatehi’s performances will leave audiences in awe with them.
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