Kangana Ranaut was seen mocking superstar Akshay Kumar’s latest release Selfiee produced by Karan Johar and claimed that it’s not even surprising that it made 10 lakhs at the box office and no one is seen nagging him, in fact they are targeting her for his flop Selfie received shockingly low numbers and trade expert Taran Adarsh tweeted that the film managed to earn only 1.30 crores on its opening day. There are many portals calling out Akshay Kumar for doing consecutive flops and claiming that this is his sixth flop. Ekta Kapoor, who has been an open huge fan of Akshay Kumar, has come out in support of the superstar and hit out at people who point out Khiladi Kumar’s flaws and remind them that by doing so, they are showing how low they are in themselves.
#Selfies has a disastrous Day 1… Sending shockwaves across the industry… One of the lowest starts for a film that has several prominent names attached to it… Five ₹ 2.55 cr+. #India business pic.twitter.com/juk8aCCvZq
— Taran Adarsh (@taran_adarsh) February 25, 2023
#Selfies in national chains… *Day 1* business…#PVR: 64 lacs#INOX: 43 lacs#Sinopolis: 23 lacs
⭐️ Total: ₹ 1.30 Cr
Nett BOC.
SHOCKINGLY LOW FIGURESReleases in 2023… only national chains – *Day 1* business…
⭐️ #Pataan: ₹ 27.08 cr
⭐️ #shehzada: ₹ 2.92 cr
Nett BOC. pic.twitter.com/Gi9W9gaqep— Taran Adarsh (@taran_adarsh) February 25, 2023
#Selfies in national chains… Fri/Sat business…#PVR: 64 lacs / 87 lacs#INOX: 43 lacs / 60 lacs#Sinopolis: 23 lacs / 36 lacs
⭐️ Total: ₹1.30 / ₹1.83
Nett BOC.DISAPPOINTING. pic.twitter.com/tqjRbEYoT4
— Taran Adarsh (@taran_adarsh) February 26, 2023
Ekta Kapoor slammed people for making fun of Akshay Kumar and called him the most trusted star in the industry in her Instagram story and called everyone insensitive for being so rude.
Selfiee was released for two days and fans are raving about the film’s unique concept and gave it 4 ratings despite all the positive reviews from Janta, Akshay Kumar and Emraan Hashmi starrer which failed to perform at the box office. Well, we just hope that the movie shines through the word of mouth and it is too early to declare it a flop or a hit.
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