Masaba Gupta, who has already ventured into acting, is all set to add yet another feather to her cap. The designer-actor is all set to start a podcast of her own. While she hasn’t divulged too many details, she shared this good news to her fans and followers on social media. After her Netflix show Masaba Masaba, where viewers already get a brief glimpse of the designer’s real life, this one is expected to give you a deeper insight into what the designer is all about.
Designer-actor Masaba Gupta to start her own podcast
While Masaba Gupta is one of the few Bollywood celebrities who have explored this genre, the star kid has been receiving a lot of thumbs up from her colleagues and friends from the industry. Masaba took to Instagram to announce about her venture by sharing this photo of hers in a cute polka dot dress along with a caption that read, “What? Me? A podcast? #HearMeInANewLight.” Followed by her post, one of the first people to comment on it was her Masaba Masaba co-star Kusha Kapila, who featured as her mother-to-be marketing manager in the second season of this semi-fiction series. She wrote, “about damn time”.
For the unversed, Masaba Masaba kicked off its first season on Netflix and explores the life of the fashion designer and her complex relationship with veteran actress-mother Neena Gupta as well as her real life father Viv Richards, who is one of the most popular cricketers of his time. The series is created a semi-fiction way where many of the aspects are derived from their reality but many other factors like relationships etc. are considered to be fictional. The series also stars Neil Bhooplam, Rytasha Rathore, among others.
Masaba Gupta gained name and fame in Bollywood and has been one of the most popular fashion designers who has designed for some of the biggest names in Bollywood under her brand name ‘House of Masaba’.
Also Read: Doctor K Meets Masaba | Kartik Aaryan, Masaba Gupta, Neena Gupta | Masaba Masaba Season 2
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