Actor Cool suresh who came to the theater to watch the film Jailer attracted everyone’s attention by sewing a skirt for Tamannaah. Superstar Rajinikanth’s film Jailer directed by director Nelson dilip kumar for the first time has been released worldwide and is receiving a good response among the fans. Not only fans but also many celebrities are watching this film. In that way, any leading actor’s film is released, Kool suresh, who is the first person to review the first scene, as usual, met the media this morning when he came to watch the film at a famous theater. Today his film Jailer was released at 6 am in states like karnataka and Andhra and all the information came from there that the film was a super hit. It is a hit in tamil Nadu as well. It is because of Rajinikanth’s fans.
Celebrity bought new skirt for Tamannaah.. ?
Celebrity bought new skirt for Tamannaah..!?