Paul McCartney likes to go with the narrative that he was framed for marijuana possession in Tokyo back in the early ’80s. But, in his own words, “I think I was just stupid. And I paid the penalty.” According to the legendary musician’s “Wingspan” documentary, it made no sense that he didn’t conceal the drug when he traveled to the East Asian country, even after being forewarned that the punishment for being found with marijuana was seven years of hard labor.
“For some reason that I still can’t explain, I took some in, and rather a large amount,” McCartney chronicled. Memories of what led to his decision were still a blur, but the former Beatles band member clearly gave airport authorities an easy time in spotting the illegal drug. “I look back on that now and I can see the guy opening my suitcase, and right on the top, is this big gag of grass. I didn’t even put it in a sweater or hide it.”
McCartney spent nine days in custody and was ultimately deported. A planned concert was canceled, and his band, Wings, dissolved. As he divulged in the documentary, his experience in jail was brutal. Besides the consolation of a game he played with other detainees and a daily smoking break, he could barely get any sleep, experienced nightmares, wasn’t given a change of clothing, and struggled with the language barrier.