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- Adani Wilmar INE699H01024, AWL, 543458
- Adani Power INE814H01011, ADANIPOWER, 533096
- Tata Power INE245A01021, TATAPOWER, 500400
- Reliance INE002A01018, RELIANCE, 500325
- Tata Steel INE081A01012, TATASTEEL, 500470
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- Adani Wilmar INE699H01024, AWL, 543458
- Adani Power INE814H01011, ADANIPOWER, 533096
- Tata Power INE245A01021, TATAPOWER, 500400
- Reliance INE002A01018, RELIANCE, 500325
- Tata Steel INE081A01012, TATASTEEL, 500470
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Reliance Retail Q4 revenue rose to Rs 58,019 cr vs Rs 57,717 cr in the previous quarter. It EBITDA came in at Rs 3,712 crore against Rs Rs 3,835 crore, reported in the December quarter. The EBITDA margin stood at 6.4% Vs 6.6% (QoQ)..
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IPO Snapshot
Equity | Type | Issue Price | Issue Size | Lot Size | Issue Open | Issue Close |
Life Insurance View Profile | IPO | 902 | 21000 | 15 | 04-05 | 09-05 |
Prudent Corpora View Profile | IPO | 595 | 508.69 – 538.61 | 23 | 10-05 | 12-05 |
Delhivery View Profile | IPO | 462 | 5235 – 5518.28 | 30 | 11-05 | 13-05 |
Equity | Issue Price | Listing Date | Listing Open | Listing Close | Listing Gains % | CMP | Current Gains % |
Eighty Jeweller | 41 | 13-04 | 42.00 | 44.10 | 7.56 | 45.55 | 11.10 |
Hariom Pipe | 153 | 13-04 | 214.00 | 224.70 | 46.86 | 213.85 | 39.77 |
Dhyaani Tile | 51 | 12-04 | 57.50 | 54.80 | 7.45 | 53.70 | 5.29 |
Veranda Learn | 137 | 11-04 | 171.00 | 160.40 | 17.08 | 252.80 | 84.53 |
Scheme | Fund Class | Info | Order form | Open Date | Close Date |
No NFO details available. |
Equity | Type | Issue Price | Issue Size | Lot Size | Subscription | Issue Open | Issue Close |
Shashwat Furnis View Profile | SME IPO | 45 | 2.51 | 0 | 20-04 | 25-04 | |
Global Longlife View Profile | SME IPO | 140 | 49 | 0 | 21-04 | 25-04 | |
Fone4 Communica View Profile | SME IPO | 10 | 6.8 | 0 | 25-04 | 27-04 | |
Le Merite View Profile | SME IPO | 75 | 48 | 0 | 25-04 | 28-04 |
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Tax and Investment Expert,
05 May – 14:00 hrs
Taxation of minor’s income
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Tax and Investment Expert
05 May – 14:00 hrs
Taxation of minor’s income
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Corporate Action
Company | Old FV | New FV | Ex-Splits |
BLACK BOX | 10 | 2 | 13-05-2022 |
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