Earlier it was reported that legendary director Mani Ratnam is planning to release both the parts of his magnum opus, Ponniyin Selvan, within a short span of time. In fact, speculations doing the rounds were that the director is eyeing an Anurag Kashyap’s Gangs of Wasseypur-style release date of just a few months for his ambitious project, featuring a star-studded pan-Indian cast including Chiyaan Vikram, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan , Jayam Ravi, Trisha Krishnan, Sarathkumar, Prakash Raj, Nizhalgal Ravi, Aishwarya Lekshmi and Mohan Raman. So, when should we expect Ponniyin Selvan part 1. Well, reports claim that a year-end release is in store.
Mani Ratnam’s Madras Talkies took to Twitter to release the poster. “Revenge has a beautiful face! Meet Nandini, the Queen of Pajuvor!” read the caption. She is reported to have a double role in the film as Nandini as well as Mandakini Devi. Soon after the release, fans took to the comments section to praise the actor.
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