The excitement for Brahmastra, starring Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt is tremendous and this is evident by the fact that several shows have been fast-filling. The film is all set to be released on September 9 and today, Ranbir, Alia and director Ayan Mukerji, posted a video, wherein they announced that a special pre-release show of the film will be held in Mumbai a day before release – on September 8. Moreover, the trio assured fans that they’ll be present at this screening.
BREAKING: Brahmastra’s pre-release screening at PVR Oberoi Mall, Mumbai SOLD OUT in just 4 MINUTES!
Interestingly, they didn’t give any details of the venue or the show timings. Ten minutes after Alia Bhatt posted the video, the official Instagram handle of PVR Cinemas revealed that this screening will be held in their property at Oberoi Mall, Goregaon East, Mumbai and that bookings are open. What happened next stunned the makers and the exhibition community.
A source told Bollywood Hungama, “The tickets for this show were sold out in just 4 minutes. We couldn’t believe our eyes. Mind you, this is a 315-seater screen. We expected the tickets to be sold within an hour or so. However, in under 5 minutes, the show was house-full! Of course, this was due to the fact that audiences would get a chance to see Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt live. But we can’t deny the fact that the movie has generated tremendous excitement among moviegoers and that was also a strong factor.”
The pre-release screening of Brahmastra will be held in the P[XL] screen. It is a much-in-demand audi due to its wide screen size.
The source revealed, “Looking at the response, the makers and PVR are toying with the idea of holding one more screening, in PVR Oberoi Mall. There could be more shows in other theatres too. A clearer picture should emerge in a few hours from now.”
Also Read: Delhi High Court restricts 18 websites from illegally streaming the Ranbir Kapoor – Alia Bhatt starrer Brahmastra
More Pages: Brahmastra – Part One: Shiva Box Office Collection
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