Bollywood actor Kangana Ranaut is all set to step into the shoes of former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi in the upcoming film Emergency. The movie will follow the events of the 1970s and will also feature Anupam Kher, Shreyas Talpade, and Mahima Chaudhry in pivotal roles. While Kangana Ranaut is being lauded for her unrecognisable look as late PM Indira Gandhi, she recently shared a video with her team.
The actor was seen with her Emergency team while shouting out loud one of the dialogues from the film Uri: The Surgical Strike. It has been three years since the Vicky Kaushal-starrer was released and to date, its iconic dialogue ‘How’s the josh’ continues to remain impactful. Kangana Ranaut’s Instagram caption read, “Always high on Josh team Emergency”.
Kangana Ranaut with Emergency team in Delhi
Among those to comment was another member of the cast, Anupam Kher and signified the energy of the team with the words ‘Jai Ho.’
The actor also shared a group photo with her team as they shot in Delhi. The location seemed to be on rails with some trains visible in the image. She wrote, “It’s not only the destination but also the journey that matters, It’s not only those you end up with but also those who walk along matters. Teamwork is dream work.”
Emergency is being directed and produced by Kangana. Apart from this, she also has the next film Tejas, which is pending release. She plays the role of an IAF officer in the film.
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