Several Indian celebrities like Deepika Padukone, Alia Bhatt and Priyanka Chopra are following the footsteps of one of the chicest women of all time, Audrey Hepburn, who ignited the chic flames with her sartorial pics in the 50s.
Just as Hepburn’s ensemble choices catapulted her to the chic style icon status, Indian divas are also using their entourage of stylists and designers to get the prestigious label. And, the results can be seen on magazine covers, photoshoots and even on their casual outings. So, who better than our Indian divas to take some fashion cues from?
Since the world continued to ride the chic wave even after decades of fashion evolution and never looked back, we must know a trick or two when it comes to chic styling. Here’s a Bollywood style guide to help you look your best on your next fashion outing!
Chic styling is all about clean lines and monochromatic notes. And, B-towners know this fact quite well!
Since chic is steeped in neutral colours, divas usually ditch bright orange, red and yellow for neutral shades like beige, taupe, grey, cream, brown, black, and white.
Fashionistas always highlight their chic attire with bold accessories.
Chic fashion is marked by luxurious fabrics as it elevates a woman’s wardrobe to new levels.
Chic style is also all about asymmetrical hems, boxy silhouettes, classy prints and slight embellishments.
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