Bigg Boss fame Rohit Verma, who is a popular designer, recently revealed that he was sexually abused by his uncle when he was 8 years old. Rohit spoke his heart out by sharing a horrifying incident he went through in his childhood. Rohit revealed that he comes from a good family and his family members have old ideas. He even said he was sexually abused as a child by his uncle when he was eight. The designer further added that his uncle made him wear a saree and also put hot wax on his body.
He further revealed that his uncle abused him horribly and he had to go through the pain for three to four years. Rohit said he never told his parents due to fear. He even recalled his years working as a prostitute in Mumbai, where he had to wear women’s outfits. He revealed how he bought designer bags and added that he doesn’t regret this phase as he needed the money.
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A few weeks earlier, Rohit was in the news for unfollowing his best friend Nisha Rawal on social media. The model designer provided quite a bit of support during Nisha’s battle crisis.
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