Shah Rukh Khan’s son Aryan Khan was arrested by the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) in October last year during a raid at a cruise party. He was later sent to judicial custody, and after staying in jail for around a month, the star kid came out on a bail. He had to visit NCB’s office every week, but after a couple of months, he got an exemption from that as well. Now, according to reports, Aryan has got a clean chit by NCB in the drug case.
According to Times Now, a press note read, “Based on an input NCB Mumbai on 02.10.2021, intercepted Vikrant Ishmeet, Arbaaz, Aryan and Gomit at International Port Terminal, MbPT and Nupur, Mohak and Munmun at the Cordelia Cruise. All the accused persons were found in possession of Narcotics except Aryan and Mohak. ”
The note further added, “Initially, the case was investigated by NCB Mumbai. Later an SIT from NCB Hqrs New Delhi, headed by Shri Sanjay Kumar Singh, DDG (Ops), was constituted to investigate the case, which was taken over by the Special Investigation Team (SIT) on 06.11.2021. ”
The SIT carried out its investigation in an objective manner. The touchstone of the principle of proof beyond reasonable doubt has been applied. Based on the investigation carried out by SIT, a complaint against 14 persons under various sections of the NDPS Act is being filed. rest 06 persons is not being filed due to lack of sufficient evidence, “the note concluded.
October 2021 was surely a tough month for SRK, Gauri, Aryan, and the whole Khan family. Many Bollywood celebs had spoken in support of the star kid, and SRK’s fans were also worried about him. Now, we are sure SRK and his family, friends, and fans will be happy to know that Aryan has got a clean chit in the case.
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