Bollywood actor Ranveer Singh’s latest photoshoot has been creating buzz globally, with netizens and celebs pouring in multiple reactions, evident from the comment section. The actor posed nude for the cover of Paper magazine. In his bold photoshoot, the Jayeshbhai Jordaar star could be seen striking different poses, inspired by American actor Burt Reynolds’ similar cover shoot. Now, from Priyanka Chopra to Masaba Gupta, several stars from the Indian film industry have reacted to the post, calling it “the best one the country has got so far”, while Urvashi Rautela stated that she “found the pose very girly”.
Celebs react to Ranveer Singh’s bold photoshoot
Ranveer Singh posed on a Turkish rug while getting clicked for pictures. A picture featured him sitting naked on the rug; in another, he was seen lying in the same way Burt Reynolds posed. The other pics showed the actor showcasing his chiselled abs and toned physique.
The pictures shared by the Padmaavat fame actor won much appreciation from his industry friends as Priyanka Chopra took to the comments section and wrote, “Major”, adding a fire emoticon, while Dia Mirza dropped a tiger emoticon.
Four More Shots star Bani J also commented, “Siri play ‘Naked as we Come’ by Iron & Wine Great pictures, ahead of your time friend”. Actor-designer Masaba Gupta wrote, “The best cover shot this country has seen. Brave & unapologetic”.
A video shared by a paparazzi account, Instant Bollywood, is doing rounds on social media which saw Urvashi Rautela reacting to Ranveer Singh’s bold photoshoot. The former Miss Universe called the Gully Boy actor’s pose ‘girly’, adding that it’s his personal choice since he was a muse for a magazine. She added that her remark about the pictures is just a feminine opinion and nobody should have a problem with it.
The 37-year-old actor also talked about his films, fashion and his familiarity with nakedness in general. In an interview with Paper magazine, Ranveer said, “It’s so easy for me to be physically naked, but in some of my performances I’ve been damn f****** naked. You can see my f****** soul. How naked is that? That’s being actually naked. I can be naked in front of a thousand people, I don’t give a s**t. It’s just that they get uncomfortable.”
(Image: @priyankachopra/@ranveersingh/@badboyshah/Instagram)
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