A few months ago in Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin Starring Aisha Singh, Neil Bhatt and Aishwarya Sharma, two child stars made their recordings. We are talking about Tanmai Rishi and Aria Sakaria who played Vinayak and Savi respectively. Since then, drama surrounds not only Sai, Virat and Pakhi, but also Vinu and Savi. Today is Rama Navami happening in India. And on the festive occasion, Ayesha Singh shared a BTS comeback from the sets of Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin. It stars herself, Savi, Vinu and Vihaan along with the director.
Ayesha Singh shares a sweet BTS throwback to Ram Navami
Ayesha Singh is not often active on social media, but whenever she shares something, it is sure to grab the headlines in Entertainment News. And this is what happened even now, Ayesha aka Sai took to her social media and shared BTS of their Luv-Kush photos that Tanmay Rishi aka Vinu and Aria Sakaria aka Savi during the Ram Leela event at Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin. In it, we see Ayesha gushing over Savi and Vinu’s cuteness
Ayesha Singh interacts with Aria and Tanmay who look absolutely adorable as Luv and Kush in the Ram Leela pictures of the show. We also see a very tired but hardworking director, Rohit Phulari. And we also get to see Mohit played by Vihaan Verma. Vihaan plays Laxman in the play. They are seen rehearsing for the episode before the shoot.
Watch the BTS video shared by Ayesha Singh on Ram Navami here:
Isn’t it one of the cutest BTS videos ever? Well, if only Ayesha could share more BTS like this. However, the hectic schedule can prove tiring for her. Most recently, Ayesha revealed the same when a fan asked her to post pictures of Gudi Padua. Anyway, Harshad Arora has entered Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin now and the show has taken a new twist. Let’s see how his character will change the story in the coming episodes. Keep watching this space for all the updates regarding Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin and more.
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