Last year, B’Towns famous and most loved couple Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt tied the knot in a closed wedding attended by family members. By the end of 2022, the couple was blessed with a cute baby girl. They named her Raha Kapoor, chosen by her grandmother Neetu Kapoor. Alia Bhatt gave birth to Raha on 6 November 2022 at the HN Reliance Foundation Hospital in Mumbai.
Two months after Raha’s birth, fans are eager to know her future. In this regard, many prominent astrologers made their predictions. Numerologist Navnidhi Badhwa has given her statement on Raha’s future. According to her prediction, Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor’s newborn will be very lucky. She is expected to bring luck to her parents and their careers. According to numerology, the beginner’s root is 6. Six is considered a remarkable number in numerology.
Venus is considered to be the ruler of the number 6 in the compendium of numerology. The number 6 is believed to bring wealth and prosperity. According to Badhwa, Raha Kapoor will succeed in life with her intelligence and understanding. Raha is expected to be practical in her life and work on her plans rather than think. Although it may sometimes put her in a position she regrets, taking action is always better than inaction.
Raha is a toddler just two months old and astrologers have already predicted that she will enter Bollywood and flourish with a successful career. It is already evident with Kapoor Khandaan extending its branches in the industry from their forefathers to the latest generation, Raha can also make a career in Bollywood. According to astrologers, Raha will have the luck of her father Ranbir Kapoor.
Welcoming the new baby, Alia Bhatt announced the news in the simplest form of an Instagram post. While Ranbir, who is a football fan, customized a small Barcelona youth jersey with Raha printed on it.
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