Acharya which has turned out to be disaster at the box office, has left exhibitors and distributors in dismay. Chiranjeevi and Ram Charan’s movie was made at a budget of Rs 140 crores. Forget making a profit, it is nowhere close to recovering its cost of production. The megastar of the Telugu film industry, Chiranjeevi has left for a vacation abroad with his wife. In the middle of all this, a letter from a Karnataka distributor asking for compensation is going viral on social media. The person has written that he has suffered loss to the tune of 75 per cent, and is deep in debt. Take a look at it…
Reputation at stake
Hope these distributors are compensated by team #Acharya pic.twitter.com/AWoEx1So3o— Username already taken (@veerutherocker) May 6, 2022
#Acharya Film distributor open letter to #Chiranjeevi (Rayachur Area) …
Rajgopal Bajaj pic.twitter.com/YyfcMSyevn
— Sai Kiran NTR ? (@saikirannuthal3) May 6, 2022
#Acharya Film distributor open letter to #Chiranjeevi (Rayachur Area)
Boss eppudo jump
Movie poi distributors antha rodisthunte industry ki pedda manishi anipinchukone eyana vilasa trip kelladu ala untadhi boss thopic.twitter.com/Dmhw2anQJd pic.twitter.com/yFmIgKW3Dx
— Ramesh (@sadhineniramesh) May 6, 2022
#Acharya Distributor Open letter to Chiranjeevi. pic.twitter.com/QmRR5xXqSY
— Hanu (@HanuNews) May 6, 2022
Now, the movie is coming on Amazon Prime Video earlier than expected. The movie was apparently sold for Rs 18 crores. The failure is being discussed widely in trade circles. Filmmaker Koratala Siva has come under extreme scrutiny. While Ram Charan has a solid blockbuster with RRR to overcome this disaster, it is tougher for Chiranjeevi and Pooja Hegde. As per reports, Jr NTR who is doing NTR 30 with Koratala Siva is re-reading the script to make sure it does not go wrong. Koratala Siva and Jr NTR have done Janatha Garage before which was a hit.
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