Aryan Khan, Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan‘s eldest son got a clean chit in the drugs-on-cruise case by the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) on May 27 after almost around eight months. According to the reports, the NCB did not find any evidence against Aryan Khan and he has thus been cleared. The star kid had grabbed all the limelight ever since he got arrested in the drugs on the cruise case last year. For unversed, Aryan was lodged at the Arthur Road jail after his arrest on October 02, 2021.
After the news came out, filmmaker Mahesh Bhatt’s daughter and actress Pooja Bhatt took to Twitter to share a note and took sly dig at Sameer Wankhede. She wrote, “Sameer who? Er sorry,where? Ah! Probably very busy being a righteous, publicity shy officer elsewhere? So much of a mess to clean up after all. And who better than the least corrupt of them all to cure society of all evil & rot. Except this time, no selfies allowed. #truthprevails”
Check Pooja Bhatt’s tweet here:
According to the reports, Aryan who is set to be a director will soon fly out to the States to develop a special project after getting a clean chit by the NCB. Reportedly, Aryan’s web series has already been authorised by a popular OTT platform. Moreover, he’ll be mentored by and associated with senior industry writers and filmmakers.
In other news, Pinkvilla recently reported that Shah Rukh Khan’s son is developing multiple ideas, of which a web series and a feature film created by him for Red Chillies Entertainment are at the forefront. Aryan has been working on these concepts for quite some time and has already started the series.
An authentic source revealed, “Besides writing the project, Aryan will also be directing it. He had taken complete charge at the test shoot that took place on Friday and Saturday. As a part of his and the crew’s prep, Aryan wanted to bring everyone together and understand the project before they actually start shooting for it. He is very passionate about this yet untitled show, and has already begun work on the pre-production. They will finalise the actual shooting dates soon.”
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