Seasoned actor Anupam Kher has been quite busy and active since last few weeks. Just few weeks after getting done with the shoot of his upcoming film ‘The Signature’, the actor has now announced a wrap on ‘Kaagaz 2’ as well. Anupam recently took to Instagram to share a bunch of behind the camera photos and penned down a note marking the wrap of the film.
The caption on his post read, “Finally wrapped my shooting of #Kaagaz2 in Lucknow! I finished two films in a time span of 40days. Thanks to my producers, directors, co actors and crew for their love. Would also like to congratulate and thank Chief Minister of UP @myogi_adityanath ji & the entire administration for facilitating our shoot so smoothly. It was an absolute pleasure to shoot here. Jai Ho! #Kaagaz2 #TheSignature #JoyOfActing #Cinema.”
Directed by VK Prakash, the film also stars ‘The Kashmir Files’ star Darshan Kumar and actor Satish Kaushik who directed and starred in Pankaj Tripathi starrer ‘Kaagaz’ (2021)
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