On Friday, Kher took to his Instagram and shared a video of him in the avatar of Rabindranath Tagore. Sporting a grey ensemble along with a white wig, beard, and hair, Anupam Kher has undergone a remarkable transformation for stepping into the shoes of the legendary poet. The actor’s appearance is so convincing that he becomes almost unrecognizable in his portrayal of the iconic figure. In addition to his stunning look, Anupam Kher has also assured fans that he will gradually unveil more information about the project as the journey unfolds. Sharing the clip, Kher wrote in the caption, “Delighted to portray #Gurudev #RabindranathTagore in my 538th project. Will reveal the details in due course. Yeh mera saubhagya hai ki mujhe gurudev Rabindranath Tagore ko parde par sakar karna ka saubhagya prapt hua hai. Jald hi is film ki adhik jankari aapke sath sanjha karunga.”
Meanwhile, Anupam Kher was last seen in IB 71. The actor has many interesting projects lined up in his pipeline including Vijay 69, he has started working on The Vaccine War as well. This is his third collaboration with director Vivek Agnihotri after Buddha In A Traffic Jam and last year’s blockbuster The Kashmir Files. The actor also has Kangana Ranaut’s directorial Emergency. Some of his other films include Kuch Khatta Ho Jaaye, Anurag Basu’s Metro In Dino with Aditya Roy Kapur and Sara Ali Khan, The Signature with Mahima Chaudhry and Nautanki.
Also Read: Aamir Khan, Salman Khan, Sunny Deol, Dharmendra, Anupam Kher come together to click a legendary photo at Karan Deol – Drisha Acharya’s wedding
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