Kishore Kumar’s son Amit Kumar has no objection to a biopic on legendary actor Madhubala, his father’s second wife. He also revealed that he never asked his father about his father marriages, and said that he was ‘misunderstood’. Amit Kumar is the son of Kishore Kumar’s first wife, Ruma Guha Thakurta. The veteran singer fell in love with Madhubala during the divorce process with Ruma.
Speaking to Times Of India, Amit Kumar spoke about the biopic on Madhubala and he said, “Why not?” He added that ‘biopic sabka hota hai‘. “It should be made,” and said that even his father’s biopic is on the cards, mentioning that they’ve ‘started scribbling’. He did not mention the filmmaker yet, and dismissed rumours about Anurag Basu making it. “Agar karna hai, we’ll make our own production house. Jo humko maloom hai, kissi aur ko pata nahin hai. (What we know, others don’t know).”
Asked about his reaction to his father’s four wives, Amit said that he never asked him about it. He wass married to Ruma, Madhubala, Yogeeta Bali, Leena Chandavarkar. He said that he never ‘grumbled’ and was not angry. “That was his personal life,” he said, adding that Kishore Kumar was a family man and was misunderstood. He also mentioned that the day his parents divorced, Kishore Kumar buried his Morris Minor car in this bungalow. He had bought it with Ruma after his first film as a hero, Andolan. He said that his step-mother Leena Chandavarkar has no urge to act again, but continues to write.
Amit’s mother, Ruma was the niece of famous filmmaker Satyajit Ray. Kishore Kumar married Ruma in 1950 and welcomed their first child, Amit in 1952. Ruma had starred in Dilip Kumar’s debut film Jwar Bhata, Afsar and Mashaal. She was also seen in two Satyajit Ray Bengali films: Abhijan and Ganashatru. After her divorce from Kishore Kumar, Ruma married again and had two children. She died at her Kolkata home in 2019 at the age of 84.
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