Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt they got married last April. And in November 2022, they welcomed their first daughter, Raha Kapoor. Both Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt manage their work and also their duties as parents to their four-month-old daughter Raha. When Alia is working, Ranbir is at home for Raha and vice-versa, and when both are working, Neetu Kapoor or someone from Alia’s family is with Raha all the time. But how does Alia spend her time with Raha? The actress shared the same in an interview with Elle magazine.
Alia Bhatt reveals how she spends her time with Raha Kapoor
Entertainment News is always buzzing with stories about Alia Bhatt, Ranbir Kapoor and Raha Kapoor. And this time Alia shared how she spends her time with Raha. The Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahani actress shared that even though Raha is quite young now, she loves reading books to her. Alia Bhatt reveals that Raha also listens very carefully. And even while being a mother, Alia is also subconsciously planning her career and other part of her life. Alia was asked about launching story books through her Ed-A-Mamma brand. Alia agreed saying that she has a few ideas in her mind. She wants to make a series of 9 stories that will be based on emotions like joy, hope and kindness.
What message would Alia give to 25-year-old Raha Kapoor?
Alia Bhatt was also asked about a message she would like to give her daughter in the future. She wishes and hopes that wherever she (her daughter Raha) is, she is happy and lives life as her true self. She adds that loving yourself is more important before falling in love with someone else. And third, she hopes her daughter spends as much time with her as she does now. Wow!
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