Bollywood actor Alia Bhatt recently made headlines after she announced that she and her husband, Ranbir Kapoor will soon welcome their first child into the world. The much-loved duo tied the knot on April 14 in an intimate ceremony with friends and family and wished poured in for the Bollywood couple. The mother-to-be has now taken to her social media account to share a collection of pictures, in which she can be seen flaunting her massive diamond wedding ring.
Alia Bhatt wedding ring
The Gangubai Kathiawadi star looked stunning in a pink bodycon dress in the pictures she posted on Instagram on July 3. The dress had a red design on it and she paired it perfectly with matching heels as she posed for the camera. The 29-year-old went for a minimalistic make-up look as she flaunted her wedding ring. The picture received immense love from fans and followers as they showered praises on the actor.
Have a look at the post here
Fans flooded the comments section to hail her look as soon as the pictures surfaced online. They called her ‘Mrs Kapoor’ and posted several heart emotions in the comments. The ring on her finger definitely caught the attention of fans, and one of them commented, “Can’t miss the ring”. Fans were also sure the actor had the ‘mommy glow’ as she geared up to become a mother for the first time.
Alia Bhatt pregnancy announcement
Alia Bhatt broke the exciting news of her pregnancy on social media on June 27 as she shared an adorable post. She posted a picture of herself and Ranbir looking at the ultrasound image of their child on a monitor in the hospital and wrote, “Our baby ….. coming soon.” Wishes poured in for the happy couple as they gear up to step into a new chapter of their lives together.
On the professional front, Alia Bhatt is currently shooting for her first Hollywood film, alongside Gal Gadot and Jamie Dornan in the United Kingdom.
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