A video of Ranbir Kapoor cradling a baby had gone viral on the internet. In the video, Ranbir was seen carrying the little one in his arms, kisses on the head and continues to play with the baby. The fan shared the video on Instagram and wrote, “Surprise… .cute he and cute me..can’t express and explain.” Many social media users started tagging Alia Bhatt after watching the video. And the viral video of Ranbir’s has finally got Alia’s much-needed attention, and it got her happy tears.
Alia re-shared the video on her Instagram stories and wrote, “Okay. This video is a full vibe” followed by a crying emoji. In the video, Ranbir was seen wearing denims, a tee and baseball cap while the little one was in shorts and tee.
The couple recently celebrated their one month wedding anniversary on May 14. Alia shared a string of unseen pictures with Ranbir on social media to celebrate the occasion. In the images, the star couple are all smiles in the pictures. She captioned the pictures with balloon, dancing and cake emojis. The first picture is from their post-wedding celebrations, the two are looking lovingly at each other. In the second image, which is from their reception, Ranbir is giving a back hug to Alia.
Alia and Ranbir first started dating during the shoot of their upcoming film Brahmstra in 2018. The two currently await the release of the movie, which is directed by Ayan Mukerji. Ranbir and Alia got married in an intimate wedding on April 14. The marriage was followed with a party on Saturday night which was attended by celebrities such as Gauri Khan, Aditya Roy Kapur, Karan Johar, Ayan Mukerji, Shakun Batra, Malaika Arora and Arjun Kapoor, Aadar Jain with girlfriend Tara Sutaria, Anushka Ranjan with husband Aditya Seal, and Akansha Ranjan Kapoor.
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