Akshay Kumar, who has been busy shooting in Uttarakhand for his next untitled film, announced the schedule wrap. The actor shared a picture of him showing off his back to the camera with a breathtaking view of lush green mountains and a clear sky lying ahead of him. In the image, he could be seen wearing a rudraksha rosary around his neck. His son’s name “Aarav” was tattooed on his back.
Sharing the picture, the actor wrote that he wrapped up the schedule in the “amazing Devbhoomi”. In the note, he also revealed that he wants to come back soon to Uttarakhand. “Wrapped up an amazing shoot schedule in the amazing Devbhoomi. Love you Uttarakhand. Hope to be back soon.”
Is Akshay Kumar shooting for a biographical film?
Rumours are doing rounds that Akshay Kumar is shooting for C Sankaran Nair biopic in Uttarakhand. The movie is touted to be a courtroom drama as Nair was a lawyer by profession and served as President of the Indian National Congress in 1897. Also, he is the author of the book titled Gandhi and Anarchy (1922). A few days ago, the actor was spotted shooting in IIT Roorkee, in full get up.
Akshay Kumar’s Uttarakhand diaries
The actor has been shooting for an untitled film in Uttarakhand for the past few weeks. However, Akshay took some time out from his work life to seek blessings at Kedarnath temple and Jageshwar Dham. A few days ago, he shared a picture of Kedarnath Temple on his Instagram handle and captioned it as Jai Baba Bholenath.” Later, on Sunday (May 28), he visited Jageshwar Dham.
In the image, the actor is sporting a rudraksha rosary around his neck and tilak on his forehead. Sharing his image, he wrote, “Jageshwar Dham serene, calm and blissful.” Apart from visiting temples in Uttarakhand, the actor was snapped playing volleyball with police staff in Dehradun.
Akshay Kumar’s upcoming films
Akshay Kumar was last seen in Selfiee opposite Emraan Hashmi. Next, he will be seen in the Hindi remake of Soorarai Pottru and the third installment of Hera Pheri. He will also be featuring in OMG 2, Bade Miyan Chote Miyan with Tiger Shroff, and the biopic of Jaswant Singh Gill.