Akshay Kumar, who has been making headlines for his incarnation as Lord Shiva in the sequel to OMG 2 after the release of the film’s teaser, has reportedly taken a pay cut for his performance in this film. There are reports claiming that Akshay Kumar, who charges Rs 50–100 crores per film, charged only Rs 35 crores for OMG 2 due to his back-to-back failures. Although this is just speculation, we wonder if the superstar really took a cut of his fees. Reports also claim that the film is mainly about Pankaj Tripathi, who reportedly charged 2-3 crores for OMG 2, and Akshay Kumar has only an extended role in the film. Akshay Kumar has been working extremely hard to get success in his kitty since quite some time now and his fans are hoping that OMG 2 can work in his favour.
Akshay Kumar, who received all the love and praise from fans for his appearance as Mahadev in the teaser of OMG 2, riled up the netizens for one particular scene where Akshay is seen picking up Rudra Abhishek from the drain water of the train and viewers are slamming the actor for the same and demanding the removal of the scene as they call it an insult to Lord Shiva.
This is drain water that comes out after leaking from the toilets of all the trains and apparently you who play ‘Shiva’ in the film take a bath here.
When will you stop hurting our feelings?#OMG2 #OMG2Teaser @akshaykumar #AkshayKumar @yamigautam… pic.twitter.com/N86qGfQ3rO
— Vishwajit Patil (@_VishwajitPatil) July 11, 2023
OMG 2 is currently on hold by the censor board as they want to avoid an Adipurush-like mishap and release the film only if it doesn’t create unnecessary controversies. OMG 2 is reportedly based on sex education and the makers are trying to keep the story under wraps. The original cast of OMG, Paresh Rawal, refused to be a part of the sequel because he didn’t like the story of the film. The film is reportedly set to release on August 11, 2023.
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