Raksha Bandhan earned the lowest gross in years for an Akshay Kumar film at the box office. The pre-booking was not promising to begin with and the lack of interest shown since the morning showed. The Akshay kumar and Bhumi Pednekar star has sent shock waves in the trade and film industry and the second day collections will only increase those shock waves. Raksha Bandhan opened at the low end of pre-release trade estimates, collecting only ₹8 crore nett on Day 1 on Rankingholiday, and our trade sources reveal that collections dropped by 20% on day 2, Friday, which despite being a normal working day, needed a spike.
Raksha Bandhan box office collection day 2 prediction
There is no euphemistic way of saying this: Raksha Bandhan is something else Bollywood moviefeaturing a large super star, which is having issues with the trade, but was expected given the lack of interest from the masses and the youth before the release. However, the opportunity for improvement that everyone was hoping for against hope did not come on the second day, with cash collection is expected to be in the range of Rs 6.5-7 crore nett, with a very slim chance of matching Day 1 numbers only if the evening and night shows pick up drastically.
Raksha Bandhan is doing poorly everywhere but here…
Barring Gujarat, Saurashtra, CI and Rajasthan, Raksha Bandhan underperformed elsewhere on Day 1 and barely stayed afloat in other mass Hindi belts like UP, Bihar, MP. In metros and other tier 1 hubs, it was pretty much a non-starter. If the Akshay Kumar-Bhumi Pednekar starrer had any hope of even breaking even, it had to do well, especially in the metro, which unfortunately remained flat and, more worryingly, the film fell flat in the interiors as well. Miraculous growth is now required through the remainder of the extended 5-day weekend.
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