Akshay Kumar is one Bollywood superstar who’s known for his penchant of doing three to four movies a year. As such, he, after Bachchhan Paandey and Samrat Prithviraj, the superstar has Raksha Bandhan and Ram Setu also on the anvil this year itself. Speaking of Ram Setu, Akshay’s role looks like that of an archeologist in the movie a la Indiana Jones or National Treasure as gathered from the promotional material release thus far. Other than that though, not much else is known about the film, that is, till now, as a little birdie has revealed some vital plot details about the Akshay Kumar starrer to us.
Ram Setu plot, story, synopsis
A well-placed source within the industry has exclusively apprised BollywoodLife that Ram Setu is centred on the discovery of ancient mythological artefacts of Indian culture, dating back to the days of Ramayan and Mahabharat and perhaps even before that. Apparently, it’s a celebration of the country’s roots and faith and spiritual beliefs, with Akshay Kumar playing a character on a quest to unearth said artefacts and pronounce the glory of the country to the world while taking the audience on a journey through moments and symbols we’ve thus far mostly only heard about or read in book or perhaps witnessed in old Doordarshan TV shows, but will now be presented in a contemporary way.
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