South superstar Ajith Kumar will be teaming up with H Vinoth and Boney Kapoor for his next film tentatively titled AK61. Reportedly, Ajith’s starrer film has already begun rolling from today and the handsome hunk has already commenced the first shooting schedule in Hyderabad. If reports are to be believed then a huge set of Mount Road Chennai has been created.
According to the reports, the shoot of the film will go on for at least two months. The makers of the film have not yet made any official announcements as such. But, a picture of the cast and crew of the film went viral on social media. Reportedly, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan has been approached to play the female lead opposite Ajith in the film.
Ajith’s latest look with rugged bear and sleep hairstyle for AK61 created a lot of buzz among the audineces. His dashing look made female fans go weak in knees. Ajith’s fans are eagerly waiting for the film to release.
On the work front, Ajith will be seen next in Vignesh Shivan, tentatively titled AK62. Nayanthara will play the female lead in the film.
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