Thank God, the highly anticipated comedy film, starring Ajay Devgn, Rakul Preet Singh and Sidharth Malhotra is all set to light up your Diwali this year. Produced by Bhushan Kumar, Indra Kumar and Ashok Thakeria‘s slice of life drama is touted to be a quite refreshing and relatable story. This Indra Kumar directorial promises to not only tickle your funny bones, but also convey a beautiful message. In fact, Ajay Devgn and Rakul Preet had earlier exclusively revealed to BollywoodLife that Thank God is not an out-an-out comedy like most Indra Kumar movies, and we’ll have to just wait and watch how it’s different.
Ajay Devgn, Rakul Preet’s Thank God release date
Making the announcement of Thank God’s release date, T-Series took to its official Twitter handle to announce that the Ajay Devgn, Rakul Preet Singh and Sidharth Malhotra starrer will be releasing on the big screen as a big Diwali bonanza. Making the announcement, T-Series wrote: “#AjayDevgn #SidharthMalhotra #RakulPreetSingh upcoming #ThankGod set to release this Diwali. Produced by #BhushanKumar #IndraKumar #AshokThakeria is a slice of life that will tickle your funny bones along with a beautiful message #ThankGod @ajaydevgn @SidMalhotra @Rakulpreet .” Check out the tweet below:
#AjayDevgn #SidharthMalhotra #RakulPreetSingh upcoming #ThankGod set to release this Diwali. Produced by #BhushanKumar #IndraKumar #AshokThakeria is a slice of life that will tickle your funny bones along with a beautiful message#ThankGod @ajaydevgn @SidMalhotra @Rakulpreet
— T-Series (@TSeries) June 17, 2022
Thank God vs Ram Setu clash
Ram Setu, starring Akshay Kumar, Jacqueline Fernandez and Nushrratt Bharuccha, and directed by Abhishek Sharma of Tere Bin Laden, Parmanu and Suraj Pe Mangal Bhari fame, is also set to release this Diwali, thus setting up a big festive clash between Ram Setu and Thank God. A well-placed source within the industry has also exclusively apprised BollywoodLife that Ram Setu is centred on the discovery of ancient mythological artefacts of Indian culture, dating back to the days of Ramayan and Mahabharat and perhaps even before that.
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