In the upcoming pan-India film Chatrapathi, the young actor Karan Singh Chhabra has a prominent part to play. With his pivotal part as a villain in Chatrapathi, Karan is starting a fresh. This new chapter marks a memorable occasion for the actor that he should truly savour. However, the actor has gone out of his way to deliver the role and had to get bald for a very important scene.
Ahead of Chatrapathi release, Karan Singh Chhabra reveals going bald for Bellamkonda Srinivas starrer; says, “I gave my blood, sweat, and hair for this film”
Talking about the same, he says “So when I was told about the Role I was told to see the part of Ashok which in 2005 was the iconic SS Rajamouli villain of this cult Telugu film called Chatrapathi. There was a scene in which he gets punished and his head is shaved in front of thousands of people. I initially assumed there must be a wig or some camera angle would be used but the scene required me to get bald for real and that too we cannot do any retakes.”
He further continues “But now when I look back at some of the scenes we shot, I feel that all the Blood, Sweat and Hair (literally) that I gave were worth it. I am grateful that my effort left an impact and has resulted well!”
This one act from the actor shows his integrity, honesty and responsibility towards his role. As the trailer of Chatrapathi has recently been released, it would be interesting to see Karan stepping into this new character. Directed by VV Vinayak and starring Sreenivas Bellamkonda, it has been mounted on a massive scale and shot extensively on grand sets in Hyderabad. The film is slated to release on May 12.
Also Read: Nushrratt Bharuccha sizzles in ‘Bareilly Ke Bazaar’ dance number with Sreenivas Bellamkonda from Chatrapathi, watch video
More Pages: Chatrapathi Box Office Collection
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