Neena Gupta, who is currently basking in the success of her latest release show ‘Masaba Masaba,’ is an actor par excellence. Apart from her professional front, she often makes headlines for opening up about her personal life. Neena has never shied away from talking about her past relationships and in a recent interview she spoke about her equation with her ex and cricketer Vivian Richards, with whom she has daughter Masaba.
For the unversed, Neena and former West Indies cricketer Vivian were in relationship in the late 80s and have daughter together. However, he was married while he was dating the actress and reportedly he refused to split from his wife. Neena raised her daughter Masaba Gupta alone as a single parent.
Recently, Masaba, who is a well known fashion designer in the industry, in an interview revealed that despite her parents’ separation, her mother never tried to“poison her relationship” with her father Vivian. The designer also asserted that Neena let her make her own decisions, own judgments and let her decide what role her father will play in her life.
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