In the current episode of Anupamaa, a huge drama unfolds in the Shah family during the Kinjal celebration. Rakhi instigates Vanraj against Anuj and tells him that the latter has replaced him. Vanraj seethes with anger and rushes to attend Kinjal’s celebration. But Adik and Pakhi’s closeness catches Vanraj’s attention. Vanraj claims that he won’t let Adik stay with Pakhi. He slaps Adik and leaves everyone shocked. Anupamaa tries to stop Vanraj. Pakhi on the other hand loses her cool in front of Vanraj and calls him jealous.
In the upcoming episode of Anupamaa, Pakhi will remind Vanraj about his past life with Kavya and make him feel guilty. Pakhi will advise Vanraj and Anupamaa to find love in old age. She also says that Vanraj is not getting married for the second time.
Anupama stops Pakhi from losing control of her tongue. Anu tells Pakhi that she got married for the second time after making her career and asks what did she do for her life? Vanraj decides to teach Pakhi a lesson for life. But Pakhi remains stunned after Anupamaa’s question.
On the other hand, Rakhi supports Pakhi and blames Anupamaa for spoiling her children. Rakhi humiliates Vanraj in front of everyone. Kinjal loses her cool after her mother Rakhi insults Vanraj. She tells Rakhi to leave the house.
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Vanraj will then yell at Anupamaa after Anuj’s family leaves. Vanraj tells Anu to break up with her in-laws. Anupamaa scolds Vanraj and says she doesn’t want to see his face ever. Barkha will take advantage of the situation and fix Adik and Pakhi’s engagement. While Adik plans to grab all Anu’s property and makes Pakhi fall in love with him. He will manipulate Pakhi and make her go against Vanraj and Anupamaa. What will happen next?
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