Actress Prakruti Mishra recently took to her Instagram page and shared a heartfelt note on Sunday after a video of her being attacked on the streets of Bhubaneswar went viral on social media. Prakruti was allegedly assaulted by her co-star Babushan Mohanty’s wife. She thought the two actors were having a relationship. The video shows Prakruti being grabbed by a woman in her car and bystanders are seen filming videos as she pleads for help. Prakruti managed to get out of the car while the woman chased after her.
Ollywood actor Tanmay Mohanty aka Babushan Mohanty broke his silence on the issue and released a video statement saying that he will not work with Prakruti or any other heroine. He said he had come to Chennai to participate in the Utkal Divas celebrations and Prakurthy was also invited to the event. He further added that Prakruti had come to promote her film and that she was cast opposite him. In the video, he said: “I didn’t know my family was going through a disruption. If my family has problems, I will not do this film with her (Prakruti). If I have to, I won’t work with any heroines in the future.
Trupti blamed Prakruti for ruining her married life and said, “Our married life was peaceful until Prakruti Mishra, the daughter of Manmat Mishra, came into our lives and cured the disturbance.” Trupti alleged that Prakruti was in a relationship with Babushan , to get a boost in his career. She even claimed that the actress supplied him with alcohol and ganja. She even revealed that she tried to get her husband back and Prakruti threatened her and her husband and blackmailed them. She said that Prakruti had also threatened them to kill themselves.
A case has been registered with the Harvel Nagar police and a case has been registered under sections 341, 294, 323 and 506 of the Indian Penal Code, which was filed by Prakruti Mishra’s mother, Krushnapriya Mishra. For the uninitiated, Trupti accused the actress of creating turmoil in her family life and also complained to the police station.
Prakruti wrote a heartfelt note about the attack on Instagram and captioned the post, “There are two sides to every story. Unfortunately, we live in such a society where people blame women before they hear anything. I and my colleague Babushen were heading to Chennai to attend an event organized by Utkal Association. During this period, Babushan’s wife along with several goons started taunting the actor and assaulted me physically and mentally. Such behavior shown by Babushan’s wife is not acceptable to me.”
Prakruti featured in the MTV reality show Ace Of Space 2. She even received the national award for Hello Arsi.
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